
Intensive, Interactive DSCSA Training with LSPedia

September 14, 2022

On August 24 and 25, LSPedia led a thorough guide to DSCSA and OneScan, incorporating key compliance guides, expert Q&As, best practices, and interactive experiences.

Advanced solutions, experiments, and experiences

With the clock ticking down to the FDA’s November 2023 deadline, demand is growing for practical methods and strategies for managing compliance with the Drug Supply Chain Security Act.

LSPedia prepared an event that went far beyond background information on the DSCSA. Interactive group activities and hands-on technology guides were highlights of the in-depth sessions led by LSPedia experts, giving each person in attendance – whether in-person or virtual – opportunities to work directly with OneScan technology, map out implementations, and even roleplay how trading partners can collaborate to correctly investigate, report, and resolve exceptions.

LSPedia structured the event to provide a broad base of DSCSA knowledge, and then build on it with key skills and capabilities.

  • 101 | DSCSA Explained
  • 201 | Exceptions Management
  • 301 | OneScan for DSCSA Implementation
CEO Riya Cao leads an interactive DSCSA training session.

Day One: Building interactive expertise with DSCSA, OneScan, and exceptions

LSPedia CEO Riya Cao and Sr. Director of Quality Jami Vincent kicked off the event with an overview of the 10-year plan toward implementing an electronic, interoperable system to track and trace prescription drugs in the US. The session detailed the designation of Authorized Trading Partners in each type of business in the pharmaceutical supply chain, the need for secure interoperable electronic approaches, and how serial tracing is structured to enable products to be found within a packaging hierarchy.

The morning 101 session incorporated a number of interactive elements, from identifying key information in Advanced Shipping Notice and EPCIS files to using OneScan – with LSPedia-supplied scanners – to enter products for tracking, identify illegitimate products, and create Track & Trace reports. In addition to engaging at, tendees directly with how products are tracked under DSCSA, the sessions called attention to the importance of proactively setting up policies and procedures for dealing with unverified products.

From there, the afternoon 201 class shifted to the critical element of exceptions management and operating a verification system, concluding with a unique roleplaying activity that highlighted the importance of collaboration across trading partners. Taking on the roles of dispenser, distributor, wholesaler, manufacturer, and the FDA, attendees worked together to investigate and resolve tricky exceptions – while gaining valuable real-world insights.

Day Two: A deep dive into OneScan and product tracing

The day-long 301 session focused intensively on OneScan implementation, led by IT Project Manager Ana Schleicher and Solutions Engineers Tyler Stripling and Robert Urben. The group not only received a full guide to OneScan, but gained practical experience in setting up accounts, handling product transactions, troubleshooting errors, and reporting suspect situations. The event concluded with a complete look at the design of a OneScan implementation and the creation of inbound and outbound processes – and lots of good conversation with LSPedia experts.

LSPediA staff are pictured with DSCSA guest trainees in a conference room at LSPediA's headquarters.


“Riya and her staff at LSPedia are awesome! I really enjoyed their hospitality and professionalism, and learned a lot.”George Lovecchio, Louisiana State Board of Drug and Device Distributors

“Attending the 101/201 and 301 DSCSA courses from LSPedia gave me a better handle on critical compliance points to increase safety and operational efficiency while reducing risk. The in-person aspect led to great conversation from different perspectives in the pharmaceutical supply chain. I highly recommend this training for new hires, workplace veterans… anyone involved in pharmaceuticals.”Patrick O’Donohue, Vice President of Operations, LSPediA

Dig into DSCSA

Don’t miss our future sessions! Keep an eye on our Upcoming Events page for more opportunities to participate, or just write to Find out how your team can get ahead of the game in DSCSA compliance, with the full benefit of LSPedia’s resources and expertise.