
Recap of the Health Connect Partners 2024 Hospital Pharmacy Buyer Conference

August 14, 2024

LSPedia recently participated in the Health Connect Partners 2024 Hospital Pharmacy Buyer Conference, an exceptional event bringing together industry leaders for educational sessions, networking, and one-on-one interactions. Our team, including SVP Sales and Marketing, Daniel MacKinnon, National Sales Manager, Christopher Smith, and Account Executive, Jake Paschal, showcased our innovative OneScan Pharmacy Pro software, highlighting its role in ensuring DSCSA compliance and enhancing security for hospital pharmacies.

The reverse expo sessions were a standout feature, allowing us to meet directly with hospital pharmacy purchasing professionals. This format facilitated meaningful conversations and provided a clear understanding of attendees' needs, enabling us to demonstrate the relevance of our solutions and how they can address their specific challenges.Educational sessions at the conference offered valuable insights into the latest trends and challenges in the pharmaceutical supply chain for hospitals. These sessions aligned perfectly with our mission to empower health systems pharmacies with cutting-edge compliance and supply chain management tools.Networking opportunities were abundant, providing us with the chance to build new relationships and strengthen existing ones while we discussed solutions, and services one-on-one with key decision-makers. These interactions helped us understand their unique challenges and demonstrate how OneScan Pharmacy Pro can enhance supply chain visibility, facilitate seamless partner integration, and leverage advanced technology for comprehensive compliance oversight.

We also had the pleasure of taking our clients and prospective clients out to dinner, enjoying meaningful conversations in a more relaxed environment. These interactions were invaluable in building lasting partnerships and demonstrating our appreciation for their interest in LSPedia.

Overall, the Health Connect Partners 2024 Hospital Pharmacy Buyer Conference was a resounding success for LSPedia. We are grateful for the opportunity to engage with industry professionals and look forward to continuing these conversations, helping hospital pharmacies achieve unparalleled efficiency and compliance.