transform supply chain management

OneData Module

Enjoy peace of mind while you maintain visibility on how things are flowing and avoid any unpleasant surprises.

Complete Supply Chain Visibility

LSPedia's OneData module simplifies trading partner identification and management to enhance supply chain visibility and support holistic decision making. Seamless integration of GS1 standardized company prefixes, Global Location Numbers (GLNs), and Global Trade Identification Numbers (GTIN) enabling data analytics and ensuring accurate KPI calculation.

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Control Your Supplier Network

Use visibility into license, EPCIS interoperability, and EPCIS exceptions resolution details to proactively manage supply chain risk, understand supplier infractions, and refine compliance strategies.

Transform Customer Engagement

Tailor your interactions based on precise customer information, including GLN assignment, state/DEA license status, suspicious order monitoring, and attribution.

Unlock Product Intelligence

Arm your sourcing and customer service teams with data-driven insights. Proactively steer sales and operations planning – and eliminate bottlenecks – by monitoring crucial product details such as WEE (waiver, exception, exemption), recall, suspicious order monitoring (SOM), and product velocity.

Get Actionable Insights

Empower your team with targeted communication strategies and amplify service level agreements for enhanced performance, leveraging comprehensive scorecards for suppliers and customers.

OneData Benefits

Elevated Visibility

GS1 standards provide unparalleled visibility within the pharmaceutical supply chain, simplifying the navigation of complex trading partner networks.

Operational Efficiency

Take advantage of streamlined data analysis, efficient onboarding, and real-time tracking.

Empowered Decision Making

Actionable insights enable data-driven decisions and performance optimization.

Operational Efficiency

Customer Intelligence promotes personalized customer interactions, elevates compliance, and enhances service delivery.

Automate FDA Required Suspect Order Monitoring Reporting

LSPedia’s robust OneData module offers powerful Suspicious Order Monitoring (SOM) capabilities, enabling Manufacturers and Wholesalers to meticulously track potentially suspicious ordering activities related to controlled substances. This essential report facilitates compliance with regulatory mandates from the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) pertaining to the shipment of controlled substances. SOM streamlines reporting by analyzing customer ordering patterns based on aggregated quantities and ordering behaviors.

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Ingredient Level Analysis

SOM reports offer a granular analysis at the controlled ingredient level, ensuring vigilance against the use of substitute products to evade scrutiny.

Look Back Horizon

A configurable Look Back Horizon allows users to specify the time frame for calculations, ensuring that only the most recent data is utilized for accurate monitoring.

Drill Down Capabilities

- Aggregated View: Conduct analysis at a monthly aggregated level and seamlessly transition to detailed transaction-level insights.
- License Details: Easily access DEA License information associated with transactions and verify the license's validity.

Advanced Filtering

- Quickly filter records to display only suspicious entries.
- Integrate variance to the report to effortlessly identify outliers within the dataset.

Data Export

SOM data can be exported in various formats, including .CSV, .XLSX, .PDF, etc., facilitating easy sharing with external systems has context menu

SOM Benefits

Streamlined Compliance

Simplify the tracking of suspicious activities and ordering patterns, enabling quick reporting to the DEA for compliance.

Regulatory Adherence

Ensure all stakeholders in the supply chain meet their regulatory obligations, fostering transparency and security in the pharmaceutical industry.

Faster and Safer

With real-time order analysis, SOM reduces the time, labor, and risk associated with managing numerous customer trading partners.

Automated Workflow

Buyers are relieved from performing clerical tasks by consolidating tracking of suspicious ordering activities into a single, efficient system

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Speak With a Solutions Expert Today

OneScan suite is the leading DSCSA solution, designed and proven to increase productivity, profitability, and supply chain visibility. LSPedia's seamless, cloud-based compliance solution streamlines the track and trace requirements with little impact on your daily processes.

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