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Pharma Manufacturing Compliance Leader

DSCSA Track and Trace Compliance Solutions


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Streamlining Compliance in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing for Global Track and Trace

For compliance professionals at pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities, OneScan is the pivotal solution that seamlessly addresses the complex demands of global track and trace regulations. In collaboration with manufacturing systems, OneScan becomes an indispensable tool for efficiently generating and distributing EPCIS (Electronic Product Code Information Services) files, ensuring that manufacturers meet rigorous compliance standards across the world.

Precision in Compliance Management

Compliance professionals, tasked with navigating the intricacies of track and trace regulations, find in OneScan a precise and reliable ally. The platform integrates seamlessly with manufacturing systems, providing a comprehensive solution that streamlines the generation of EPCIS files with meticulous attention to compliance requirements.

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Empowering Pharmacists with OneScan Pharmacy

Efficient Data Handling for Compliance

OneScan optimizes the efficiency of compliance professionals by simplifying the handling of serialization data within manufacturing processes. The platform, working harmoniously with existing systems, ensures that the generation of EPCIS files becomes an integral part of daily operations, enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of compliance reporting.

Real-Time Compliance Oversight

Beyond operational efficiency, OneScan offers compliance professionals real-time oversight and traceability within the manufacturing environment. This real-time visibility enables professionals to monitor serialization and traceability data, facilitating not only compliance reporting but also proactive measures to address deviations swiftly.

Automated Compliance Workflows

The integration of OneScan introduces automated workflows seamlessly into manufacturing processes. This automation is designed with compliance in mind, ensuring that professionals can efficiently manage serialization tasks without being burdened by manual efforts, thereby enhancing compliance accuracy and reliability.

Global Compliance Leadership

For compliance professionals steering the regulatory landscape within pharmaceutical manufacturing, OneScan positions them as leaders in global compliance adherence. The platform facilitates the creation of standardized EPCIS files, enabling manufacturers to meet not only local but also international track and trace requirements, fostering a culture of compliance excellence.

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OneScan suite is the leading DSCSA solution, designed and proven to increase productivity, profitability, and supply chain visibility. LSPedia's seamless, cloud-based compliance solution streamlines the track and trace requirements with little impact on your daily processes.

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What Our Clients Say

Looking for superior customer service, best-in-class response times, and a white glove experience? You've come to the right place!


Powerful, Yet Simple Solutions

OneScan suite is the industry's #1 turnkey, cloud-based DSCSA compliance and exceptions management solution suite for the entire pharmaceutical supply chain.


Verification Router Service

OneScan is the industry's leading platform for serialization and EPCIS data interoperability. EPCIS is where serialized events are created, updated, and stored. OneScan enables serial generation, encoding, commissioning, reworking, and decommissioning.


API Integration

OneScan Connector offers 24+ standard RESTful APIs for easy integration to your business systems. Connector enables master data, serialized product data, and order data to flow seamlessly in real-time or in batches between connected systems. No more double data entry or human (data entry) errors!



OneScan is the industry's leading platform for serialization and EPCIS data interoperability. EPCIS is where serialized events are created, updated, and stored. OneScan enables serial generation, encoding, commissioning, reworking, and decommissioning.


FDA 3911 Reporting

OneScan offers easy FDA 3911 reporting with auto-fill. With just the click of a button, OneScan will generate a complete 3911 form auto-populated with all of the correct data, ready to send, saving time and eliminating human errors from manual data entry.


Warehouse Solutions

OneScan Edge enables scan-in (receive) and scan-out (pick, pack, ship) of packages utilizing the 1D UPC barcode and the 2D data matrix barcode. It also enables aggregation for serialized packages.


Authorized Trading Partners

Access the OneScan ATP database of more than 31,000 authorized trading partners. Quickly find, add, verify, and manage your trading partners. DSCSA requires all of your trading partners to be authorized.


EPCIS Exceptions Management

OneScan Investigator is the #1 cloud-based exceptions management solution for FDA's Enhanced Supply Chain Security requirement under the DSCSA. Investigator automatically identifies, alerts, and resolves EPCIS errors and discrepancies. There's no longer a need to hire additional staff to manage exceptions.


Expiration Management

Management of expiring drugs has never been easier or more accurate. OneScan Expiry is a proactive platform with simple reporting and automatic notification of soon-to-expire products. Easy to use and fully automated to save you time and money.

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OneScan serves as the cornerstone for compliance professionals in pharmaceutical manufacturing, offering a precise and compliant solution. From efficient data handling to real-time compliance oversight and automated workflows, OneScan empowers these professionals to meet and exceed global track and trace regulations, ensuring the highest standards of compliance in the pharmaceutical manufacturing landscape.

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