OneScan Digital Recall

Effectively managing a product recall is a paramount challenge for pharmaceutical manufacturers, demanding precision, speed, and a commitment to consumer safety. In this critical scenario, OneScan emerges as the indispensable solution, uniquely tailored to the pharmaceutical industry, offering a suite of features that streamline the recall process and uphold the highest standards of compliance.

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How It Works

Rapid Identification and Traceability

During a pharmaceutical product recall, time is of the essence. OneScan's unique identification codes and serialization capabilities empower manufacturers to rapidly identify and trace affected products throughout the pharmaceutical supply chain. This swift traceability is crucial for promptly removing recalled pharmaceuticals from circulation.

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Real-Time Monitoring and Visibility

OneScan provides real-time monitoring features that offer pharmaceutical manufacturers unparalleled visibility into their supply chain. In the context of a recall, this visibility becomes a strategic advantage. Manufacturers can monitor the movement of pharmaceutical products in real-time, pinpoint affected batches, and take immediate action to initiate the recall process, ensuring consumer safety and regulatory compliance.

Accurate Data Reporting for Compliance

Product recalls necessitate accurate and comprehensive data reporting to regulatory authorities. OneScan automates the reporting process, ensuring data accuracy and reducing the risk of errors associated with manual reporting. This not only enhances compliance with stringent pharmaceutical regulations but also builds confidence among regulatory bodies and consumers.

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Efficient Communication Across the Supply Chain

Effective communication is a linchpin of successful recalls. OneScan facilitates efficient communication with relevant stakeholders in the pharmaceutical supply chain, including distributors, pharmacies, and healthcare professionals. Manufacturers can disseminate clear instructions on the recall process, ensuring a synchronized and swift response across the entire pharmaceutical distribution network.

Continuous Improvement and Risk Mitigation

Post-recall, OneScan equips pharmaceutical manufacturers with valuable insights through data analytics. Analyzing the recall process enables manufacturers to identify root causes, implement corrective actions, and continuously enhance their operations to prevent future incidents. This proactive approach contributes to long-term risk mitigation and resilience in the pharmaceutical supply chain.

DSCSA EPCIS Exceptions Management

In conclusion, OneScan stands as a pivotal solution for pharmaceutical manufacturers grappling with the intricacies of product recalls. By providing rapid identification, real-time monitoring, accurate data reporting, efficient communication, and insights for continuous improvement, OneScan empowers pharmaceutical manufacturers to navigate recalls with precision, ensuring the highest standards of product safety, compliance, and consumer trust.

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OneScan suite is the leading DSCSA solution, designed and proven to increase productivity, profitability, and supply chain visibility. LSPedia's seamless, cloud-based compliance solution streamlines the track and trace requirements with little impact on your daily processes.

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Powerful, Yet Simple Solutions

OneScan suite is the industry's #1 turnkey, cloud-based DSCSA compliance and exceptions management solution suite for the entire pharmaceutical supply chain.


Verification Router Service

OneScan is the industry's leading platform for serialization and EPCIS data interoperability. EPCIS is where serialized events are created, updated, and stored. OneScan enables serial generation, encoding, commissioning, reworking, and decommissioning.


API Integration

OneScan Connector offers 24+ standard RESTful APIs for easy integration to your business systems. Connector enables master data, serialized product data, and order data to flow seamlessly in real-time or in batches between connected systems. No more double data entry or human (data entry) errors!



OneScan is the industry's leading platform for serialization and EPCIS data interoperability. EPCIS is where serialized events are created, updated, and stored. OneScan enables serial generation, encoding, commissioning, reworking, and decommissioning.


FDA 3911 Reporting

OneScan offers easy FDA 3911 reporting with auto-fill. With just the click of a button, OneScan will generate a complete 3911 form auto-populated with all of the correct data, ready to send, saving time and eliminating human errors from manual data entry.


Warehouse Solutions

OneScan Edge enables scan-in (receive) and scan-out (pick, pack, ship) of packages utilizing the 1D UPC barcode and the 2D data matrix barcode. It also enables aggregation for serialized packages.


Authorized Trading Partners

Access the OneScan ATP database of more than 31,000 authorized trading partners. Quickly find, add, verify, and manage your trading partners. DSCSA requires all of your trading partners to be authorized.


EPCIS Exceptions Management

OneScan Investigator is the #1 cloud-based exceptions management solution for FDA's Enhanced Supply Chain Security requirement under the DSCSA. Investigator automatically identifies, alerts, and resolves EPCIS errors and discrepancies. There's no longer a need to hire additional staff to manage exceptions.


Expiration Management

Management of expiring drugs has never been easier or more accurate. OneScan Expiry is a proactive platform with simple reporting and automatic notification of soon-to-expire products. Easy to use and fully automated to save you time and money.

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